Twitter may withhold access to certain content in a particular country if they receive a valid and properly scoped request against Tweets or Accounts. In this post, we will discuss, What does Withholding of Twitter Account?

You might be curious as to an encounter that implies a Tweet or an account that has been marked as withheld and you may be wondering what that means and why that may have happened.

What does Withholding of Twitter Account

An account withheld notice, in Twitter’s words, indicates that the social media platform “was obligated to withhold the whole account indicated (e.g., @username) in response to a valid legal demand, such as a court order.”  Twitter may occasionally need to restrict access to specific content in a particular nation if they receive a legitimate and appropriately scoped request from an authorized institution.

Why might content be withheld?

According to Twitter’s rules, accounts may need to be withheld in response to a “legitimate and adequately” scoped request from an authorised party. Its policy states that, 

“such withholdings must be confined to the particular jurisdiction which has issued the appropriate legal demand or if the content has been deemed to violate local law(s).

Such withholdings will only be made in the particular jurisdiction that issued the valid legal demand or if it was determined that the material violated local law (s).”

In addition to publishing requests to withhold content on Lumen, Twitter openly states when content has been withheld (so long as they are not barred from doing so, as is the case with their usual practice of notifying users).

How can I Submit a Legal Request to have Content Withheld?

❖If you are a law enforcement agent, government official or other third-party planning to submit a legitimate legal request and would like to have potentially illegal content or accounts removed from Twitter, they request that you review the Twitter Rules and, if appropriate, submit a request to have the content examined for potential violations of Twitter’s Terms of Service.

❖If you have already submitted a request and have received a response from Twitter indicating that the content in question does not currently violate Twitter’s Terms of Service, you can submit a request for content to be withheld through Twitter’s legal request submission site:

❖You will then receive an automated response confirming that your request has been received by Twitter’s support system and they will send another email once they have a chance to evaluate your request.

❖If you suspect your content was improperly withheld, you can appeal by replying to the email Twitter issued informing you of the withholding (if it was based on a court order) or by getting in touch with them through Twitter Help Center (if withheld based on local law).

Twitter may withhold access to certain content in a particular country if they receive a valid and properly scoped request against Tweets or accounts.
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